Facing Habitat Change - Survival Towns
A reasonable solution is to re-concentrate in many, small, autonomous, re-balanced towns where we will harvest crops, produce meat and exploit sustainable forests in the surroundings. Each building will produce clean energy using water and gravity. Pollution by transportation will be reduced to the minimum. A smaller number of industrial goods manufactured abroad will cross the world on new wind powered trans-oceanic ships. Vessels will be back. On land, only electric trains will be allowed, and 100% green small lorries for inter-city transportation. In places where temperature raised beyond bearable, underground facilities will be needed. When facing extreme hot or cold, nest-type towns will be built. We must re-instate safe analogic technologies for educating and leisure. It has been proved long time ago that blackboard and chalk stimulates childrens' atention and creativity by co-ordination of mind, arms and hand, inter-acting with other students within a real room. We will re-activate proved technologies that promote the arts, observing, printing, building, following practical knowledge of materials. This means a conceptual return to "bourgs" (commercial towns) from early Renaissance times, where positive empirical capialism started to enrich all classes and where freedom and law were the path, without speculation and frantic consumerism. These new towns are "communi", "communitas" (in the Latin sense, to share a space), independent organisms living together (in the biological sense), and "common", a piece of open space for public (in the British sense). People will agree to protect nature and exploit it rationally for survival. This means limited electronical technology (not applied to habitat but mostly to mobility and specialized scientific and research subjects). In day-to-day living, extensions -in the anthropological sense: machines, tools, devices, pedal powered mono-vehicles, will be analog, slow, affordable and made of ecological materials. No electrical windows allowed. The same applies to architecture. Speed is anti-ecological. We only need speed for our thoughts. (page 3 of 5)

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photo background: planet Mars, dust storm, PIA15959, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), courtesy of NASA