April 2012 - BUENOS AIRES / I N   M E M O R I A M - Jorge Glusberg (1932-12) was the patron of arts and architecture in Buenos Aries since the late sixties. In 1968 he founds the legendary CAYC, Centro de Arte y Comunicación, which became the most active centre for modern art and experimentation in the Southern Hemisphere, developing conceptual art. Glusberg, a friend and promoter of Clorindo Testa, creates the Buenos Aires International Architecture Biennial (1984-today) second oldest after Venice. In 1978 he co-founds CICA (International Committee of Architectural Critics) together with Bruno Zevi. In 1994 he becomes director of the MNBA, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires. Pouchulu meets him as a student in the mid eighties; later while living in London, he starts to collaborate intensively with Glusberg, co-organizing events from and in Europe,  He introduced Pouchulu in Buenos Aires through the Biennial 2001. A man of action and strict attitude, Glusberg enjoyed visiting Venice and Kassel. He was distinguished the Gold Medal from the Sofia Biennale in Bulgaria and UIA Jean Tschumi-Prize for Criticism. He became Knight Commander of Peru (1981) and Chevalier de l´Ordre de Palmes Académiques of France (1987). He organized more than 100 international exhibitions in Buenos Aires and abroad. Left: Jorge Glusberg with his pipe around 1979 at the CAYC / middle-left: Glusberg's passion for closed circuit TV monitors / Jorge Gusberg and Patricio Pouchulu at Documenta 11, Kassel, 2002, a few minutes after talking with Yona Friedman, before enjoyng the work of Constant / right: the remembered CAYC in Viamonte Street, Buenos Aires (Calle Viamonte),
