Oct 2010 - LONDON -  M E E T I N G  -  In a great lecture evening at The Bartlett, Peter Cook introduces Nat Chard's work and Will Alsop -who plays with paint on a big canvas, somehow reminds of those amazing conversations of Cedric Price. Later, Pouchulu has a drink with Gabin Robotham (Crabstudio) and other colleages.

Jul 2010 - REGGIO CALABRIA /  B I E N N A L E  - Pouchulu's Palazzata Bifronte is under construction at Reggio di Calabria. BaaM Biennale.

Jun 2010 - BUENOS AIRES - LAURAK BAT /  D I N N E R  - Pablo Ubierna presents his new book -El Evangelio de Judas at Museo de Arte Hispanoamericano Fernández Blanco. Later, dinner at the Basque restaurant in avenida Belgrano. Big table, excellent wine, amazing Gambas al Ajillo. / May 25th 2010 - BUENOS AIRES /  C E L E B R A T I O N - ARGENTINIAN BICENTENNIAL DAY / Pouchulu starts a new urban project for BA titled "BAE 2020".

Picture: thin building on ra rare junction in Inslington, London, 2009.
