Nov 2005 - LONDON / P R O J E C T  - Pouchulu is back in Camden Town: first conversations at the Black Horse Pub to convert it in flats.

Oct 2005 - LONDON /  L I V E   P R O J E C T  - WATERLOO BAREFOOT - Live Project.

Jun 2005 - LONDON /  M E E T I N G  - Pouchulu visits again Jan Kaplicky, inviting him to the Biennial in Buenos Aires; they have a long conversation about the sate of things. Kaplicky is concerned about the situation of architecture studios in Europe.

Feb 2005 - LA PAMPA /  E X H I B I T I O N  - DIBUJOS DE ARQUITECTOS  - CAYC - Escuela de Buenos Aires, curated by Jorge Glusberg.

Picture: Precontinent III (frag). Photo: D. Tomasi / Les Requins Associés / National Geographic Society. From "Francia y el Mundo Submarino", edited by Embajada de Francia. USA, circa 1970.
