Sep 2007 - LONDON /  R E U N I O N  - In a wonderful pre-reunion pic-nic and dinner party, Pouchulu has nice conversations with Elke Seipp, Julia Backhaus (Germany), Pedro Fontalba (Spain), Ajmal Maiwandi (Afghanistan) and other friends.

Sep 2007 - LONDON /  B A R T L E T T T - Pouchulu continues visiting the Bartlett as a visitor teacher in different Units.Good conversations with Peter Cook and Dennis Crompton. / T E C H N I K  - Pouchulu works with his best Apple computer ever: a MacBook Pro 15", one of the most reliable computers ever made.

Feb 2007 - STOCKHOLM  /  E X H I B I T I O N  - Pouchulu's entry for the Asplund Competition is exhibited in Stockholm's Town Centre.

Feb 2007 - BUENOS AIRES /  S T U D I O  - Working on the F-Airport project.

Picture Pouchulu's panel for the Asplund Competition is exhibited in Stockholm's Town Centre, Stockholm, 2007.
