City Digestor 2001 City Digestor 2001 City Digestor 2001 City Digestor 2001 City Digestor 2001
Sep 2001 - BUENOS AIRES /  I N S T A L L A T I O N  - CITY DIGESTOR - 9 Bienal Internacional de Buenos Aires. Curator: Patricio Pouchulu. Susanne Biek (Munich), Miguel Ortega (Buenos Aires), Jörg Purvin and Frederike Putz (Hamburg). Music: Sergio Smilovich (Buenos Aires).

Sep 2001 - BUENOS AIRES /  L E C T U R E  - A TELEPHONE BOOTH - 9th International Biennale Buenos Aires. In the morning, Pouchulu takes Michael Wilford and Peter Cook around Buenos Aires. They all visit Banco de Londres y América del Sud, from Clorindo Testa (1956-58) refered by Cook as one of the five best post-war built worldwide masterpieces.

Sep 2001 - BUENOS AIRES /  B I E N N I A L  - 10th International Biennial BA/10 - Pouchulu meets Michael Wilford and Wolf Prix.

Jun  2001 - VENEZIA /  B I E N N I A L  - Art Biennale Internazionale di Venezia. Pouchulu walks through Arsenale for hours. Pouchulu discovers that a panini tastes better facing the Canal Grande.

Apr 2001 - WORLD /  W E B S I T E  -  joins the World Wide Web. Designed in Munich.

Apr 2001 - MADRID /  L I V E   P R O J E  C T  - T1 (original version).

Picture: City Digestor installation at Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, 2001. Last picture, at the left, a visitor observing a painting by Vincent Van Gogh. Photo by Pouchulu.
