Dec 1996 - BUENOS AIRES /  M E E T I N G  - Pouchulu visits the British Embassy and the British Council. He dislikes the excess of security in the embassy: he talks to someone behind a glass for the first time*.

Oct 1996 - BUENOS AIRES /  T E A C H I N G  - Pouchulu lectures about Language and Architecture at FADU, UBA.

Sep 1996 - BUENOS AIRES /  P R O J E C T  - Proyecto de Ciudad en el Desierto. Due to dry winds and a massive storm, he spends two days dreaming of a City in Patagonia. The design has been developed all over the year by bits and it has evolved towards different lines of work.

Aug 1996 - BUENOS AIRES /  P R O J E C T  - Refuge, project exhibited in Paris, drawn on a small ticket of "La Rural".

Jul 1996 - BUENOS AIRES /  P R O J E C T  - Mirador de Atardeceres, one of Pouchulu's favourite schemes, takes shape one warm and quiet afternoon. He recalls unusual, clear sunrays getting into his studio that particular day, as part of the inspiration. The proyect will be published five years later in Germany.

Jan 1996 - BUENOS AIRES /  P R O J E C T S  - a series of memorable projects are designed all over the year: Proyecto de Ciudad en la Costa, Templo de las Artes Espirituales, Auditorio, Cenotafio de Rancé and many others.

* A year later he is awarded by the British Council and FNA (Fondo Nacional de las Artes).
